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FrontendReact, Expo, Nextjs
BackendNode, Hono, Postgres, GraphQL
InfraAWS , K8S, Docker
AIQdrant, UMAP , RAG
ToolsVim, Tmux, Git

Work experience

Sauce - Senior Software Engineer (Aug 2024 - Current)

  • Implemented auto scaling for k8s cluster by adding karpenter to qdrant search service declaratively through AWS CDK.
  • Improved Postgres performance by analysing queries with EXPLAIN and implemented several performance tweaks that reduce queries that were timing out (60 seconds) to load in 5 seconds.
  • Extended React codebase to adopt composition patterns with shadcn-ui, reduce bundle size with tree-shaking imports and implement product features.
  • Assisted in enabling GPU instances for ECS to enable our machine learning service to leverage GPU instances.
  • Rolled out semver releases with tagging and hooked up to Slack to print release notes.

Mirvac - Senior Front-end Engineer (Jan 2022 - Current)

  • Successfully maintain Vite React application, utilizing react-query, Material UI, Tailwind, Zustand, OpenAPI and TypeScript.
  • Assisted in React Native application using Typescript, react-query, OpenAPI, Expo (ejected) and
  • Wrote and maintained documentation on release and branching management for web and mobile releases.
  • Implemented end-to-end testing using Playwright framework to ensure comprehensive test coverage and improve application quality.
  • Thoroughly documented existing processes and authored Request for Comments (RFCs) to improve processes.
  • Provided technical guidance and consultation to external teams, offering expertise in front-end development and assisting in proof-of-concept (POC) development.
  • Fostered effective collaboration with back-end engineers to facilitate seamless system design and successful implementation of new features.
  • Collaborated with business and designers to gather requirements, effectively managing and negotiating expectations.

Atelier - Full-stack Developer (Aug 2021 - Jan 2022)

  • Enhanced the front-end by developing reusable components using SASS and Apollo Client, resulting in improved code maintainability and enhanced user experience.
  • Implemented a robust backend infrastructure using Prisma, Nexus, and Apollo Server, ensuring seamless CRUD operations and optimal performance.
  • Established a comprehensive end-to-end testing framework using Cypress and integrated it with Circle CI, enabling automated testing on every branch push and enhancing code quality.
  • Designed and developed a sophisticated messaging system with GraphQL subscriptions and a Postgres pub/sub system, delivering real-time communication capabilities similar to Slack.
  • Led the migration of the existing Postgres database to AWS, leveraging the cloud platform's capabilities to enhance control, scalability, and uptime, ensuring a more robust and reliable database infrastructure.

Appian - Solution Engineer (Jan 2020 - Jul 2021)

  • Demonstrated expertise in supporting various components of the Appian stack, including application servers (Tomcat, JBoss), web servers (IIS, Apache), RDBMS (MySQL/Mariadb), Apache Kafka, Elasticsearch, and integrations with Appian.
  • Proficiently handled additional technologies such as AWS Cloud architecture, networking/VPN (IPsec), Linux (SSH/busybox tools), accessibility compliance (WCAG), and resource contention management (CPU/Memory/Threads).

Other experience

Pitbull BSC - Front-end Developer (Mar 2021 - Jan 2022)

  • Implemented a Telegram price bot using Node.js, AWS Gateway, AWS Lambda, and Serverless (SLS).
  • Developed PitStop, a Next.js application utilizing ethers.js and web3modal for future application efforts.
  • Built PitChart, a GraphQL-powered data visualization tool displaying OLHC data over time using react-financial-chart.

Education and Certifications

University of New South Wales (UNSW) - Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) / Commerce (2014 - 2020)

  • Major: Mechatronics and Information Systems (Credit average).
  • Honours thesis (Distinction): Integration of communication platforms across different operating systems.

Amazon Web Services

  • AWS Developer Associate Certification (Score: 905/1000)

FreeCodeCamp (2020-2021)

  • Completed 4 certificates, each representing 300 hours of coursework:
    • Responsive Web Design
    • JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures
    • Front End Libraries
    • APIs & Microservices


Linear Clone

  • Link: Linear clone - Source: GitHub - Linear clone
  • Implemented browser-based database technology with <100ms write and read speeds (eliminating network round trips).
  • Utilized xstate extensively for efficient keyboard shortcut handling.

Real-time Retro

PDF Highlighter